Charles & Eddie

Father to Son

Charles & Eddie

A single mother
Struggles hard
Her child´s neglected
In her own backyard
An absent father
The TV´s on
A little reminder
That hope is gone

At Christmas time
There will be no tree
Just empty eyes
And a church meal free

Boy to father
Father to son
In the same apartment
Life goes on
A generation
Passes by
And no one seems to understand
The reason why

A new election
And no one votes
´Cause bullets fly
On the way to the polls

Sister´s wearing a long sleeve shirt
You can bet she´s got a story to tell
A bed in the kitchen
A lock on the fridge
You know it´s a living hell

At Christmas time there will be no tree
Just empty eyes
And a church meal free

How many people have to die before
We open up our eyes and see what´s going on
When are we gonna break the chains and bring equality
To people who don't have it all