Surely the Lord is in this place Surely the Lord is in this place Surely the Lord is in this place, oh oh Surely the Lord is in this place Wonderful, You are wonderful Marvelous, You are marvelous Powerful, in all You do (How I love You) how I love to worship You Ho-o-o-o-oly God, my God Ma-a-a-a-ajesty God, my God Ho-o-o-o-oly God, my God Ma-a-a-a-ajesty God, my God (You're holy) Ho-o-o-o-oly God, You are) God, my God (Masjesty) Ma-a-a-a-ajesty (God, my God) God, my God Wonderful, You are wonderful Marvelous, You are marvelous Powerful, in all You do (How I love You) how I love to worship You (Thank You, Lord) thank You Lord (For meeting us) for meeting us (Rigth here, Jesus) Thank You, Lord (For blessing us) for blessing us (oh) Thank You, Lord For all You do How I love to worship You Thank You, Jesus Thank You, Jesus