She's wheeled into the hallway Till the sun moves down the floor Little squares of daylight Like a hundred times before She's taken to the garden For the later afternoon Just before her dinner They return her to her room CHORUS: And inside her mind She is running She is running in the summer wind Inside her mind She is running in the summer wind Like a child again The family comes on Sunday And they hover for awhile They fill her room with chatter And they form a line of smiles Children of her children Bringing babies of their own Sometimes she remembers Then her mama calls her home CHORUS Playmate, come out and play with me (It's raining, it's poring, the old man is snoring) And bring your dollies three (Bumped his head on the edge of the bed) Climb up my apple tree (Never got up in the morning) Slide down my rain barrel (Rain, rain, go away) Into my cellar door (Come again another day) And we'll be jolly friends (Little Johnny wants to play) Forevermore (Some more) And inside her mind She is running She is running in the summer wind Like a child again