Alf He's here, everyone! He's here! Charlie Good morning, alf! Alf Mornin’ The circus! Tcene one! take one! Charlie Action! Ensemble Just another day in hollywood, Just another name in lights. Charlie Ladies! Ensemble Just a new career in hollywood, Another star to reach the heights. Once you have tasted the sweetness of fame, Staying on top is the name of the game. It's just the way it is in hollywood. Alf City lights, scene 83, take 97! Women The lights are always glowing, And the cameras always rolling, And the director's always shouting "just one more." Charlie Just one more! Ensemble Starlets always gazing At the leading man who's playing, Who is hoping that he's better than before. Alf Modern times! Tactory scene! take 28! Charlie Conveyor belt - go! Ensemble Just another day in hollywood, You do you're best to stay on top. Stars on the rise, Stars on the fall, Stars you'll forget, And stars you'll recall, Lighting up the sky in hollywood. Hedda Hello, I'm hedda hopper and this is hedda hopper's hollywood. Hedda Just another day in hollywood, Women Just another ingenue. Hedda Just another day in hollywood, Women (with men "ahh-ing") Another midnight rendezvous. Sweet, young and pretty, with sensuous eyes, But inside that beauty, scandals arise. Ensemble Just another day in hollywood. Women If you play the game, You might get your shot at fame. And then the leading man Will always catch your eye. One night in the hay And lady luck will come your way. And then you'll soon be kissing Waitressing goodbye. Hedda He came from afar, And then he was cast, 'Cause hollywood's a fantasy, Where you can lose the past. He became a such star in the city of sin, Just a hat and cane, And it's guaranteed you're in. Charlie Show me a smile, Show me some grace, Charlie Show me the light, In that beautiful face. Hedda It happens every day in hollywood. Girls Charlie, charlie, charlie, charlie, charlie, charlie! Ensemble Here you can do Whatever you please Whatever you want You can take it with ease It's just another day Hedda It's just the way we play Hedda & ensmble Welcome to the world of hollywood