
P.M. Faith Proclaimed


Post Mortem Faith Proclaimed

Took Control, humanity
Leading their insufficient race
To the verge of extinction
A new race will evolve
Stronger brighter more complete

The unity of man and machine
The fusion of flesh and steel

The struggle for survival
Where the stronger sit on the weak
We are the pray
(Marked with a barcode)

Processing the narrow corners at the edge of a dream

Our defence were too weak
Machinegun fire against cold steel
They are our masters now
Programmed to serve
In total control
Part human part machine
Is all that will be left of humanity
Drained of all our mind, combined
To serve other's purpose

The unity of man and machine
The fusion of flesh and steel
Merging into one
Massproduction of a superior race

The new world order considered man a weak link in the evolutionary line
One word: Extermination!

Controlled by the machines
Humans are nothing but slaves under their own creation

No one can hear your screams
As you are trapped inside a biosphere
Past memories virile green
Has turned into eternal wastelands
Where the energy scorce of life
Is nothing more but mere flesh
Once your vitality is consumed
You pressence will be whiped out of existence...

Post Mortem Faith Proclaimed