Chaos with

Graven image

Chaos with

I see you about to walk past
A stupidly arrogant smile playing across your wickedly perfect features

I tore my glance away by lowering my head
Mostly because I'd been headbanging earlier
And I was on a couch, so it hurt to look up
But also because I'm a lazy motherfucker
That can't pay attention to anything for long periods of time

My eyes averted, I watched my foot slide forward
Seemingly of its own accord
Watched your right ankle catch on mine..

And then it happened
It was so beautiful

You lurched forward with a perfect spread-eagled form..

In the brief moment I saw your face
I would swear that your mouth and eyes were the same size..
And all three circles were perfect O's

Some instinct told the ocean of people before you to part
I felt like your God as you smacked onto the carpet

I am your graven image