Chaos Beyond

My Black Heart

Chaos Beyond

There is no place for me in this world, nothing can help me
I recognize that it is time for me to die

There are these black clouds coming down on my mind and
This is how it's meant to be, i am going under

Nothing more that i can see, nothing more than distraught misery
I cannot see a way out of this, i am lost in eternity

This darkness around me is corrupting everything
This is how it's meant to be, i am going under

Nothing more that i can see, nothing more than distraught misery
I cannot see a way out of this, i am lost eternally
I am drowning in this septic blood
Poisoned by depression coming deep from my black heart

This is how it's meant to be, i am going under

Nothing more that i can see, nothing more than distraught misery
I cannot see a way out of this, i am lost eternally
I am drowning in this septic blood
Poisoned by depression coming deep from my black heart
Leave me alone and let me die in my black heart
Leave me alone and let me die in here
I am dying alone