This night the moon like an adorned skull Watches on my deep sleep The drippin' dark describe in black The burial ground of my memory My soul is in shards In and out of the way spot of my skull A rouge horror delivered from myself child Painted on the snake corpse of the night Tormented by two devils-twins Who transfixes a blade in my heart in rags? Who kills me and raise me from the dead? It's a funeral! a funeral! A funeral in me... It's a funeral! a funeral! A funeral in me... I sink the breath in my bloody breast The necrophilian candle enlighten me Silver threads join the flames And black chrysanthemums fill my mouth This night the moon like an adorned skull Watches on my deep sleep The drippin' dark describe in black The burial ground of my memory My soul is in shards In and out of the way spot of my skull A rouge horror delivered from myself child It's a funeral! a funeral! A funeral in me… It's a funeral! a funeral! A funeral in me…