For the great day of his wrath is come And who shall be able to stand? And whoe shall be able to make war When the beast opens his mouth in Blasphemy against god? The days of mankind are counted When the first angel sounded Followed by hail and fire mingled with blood And they were cast upon the earth And the third part of the earth were burnt up And the third part of the sun were darkened And the third part of the sea became blood Woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth I saw the bottomless pit get opened And there arose smoke out of the deep And the sun and the air were darkened And the third part of the daylight vanished And in those days man shall seek death And shall not find And in those days man shall seek death And shall desire to die And in those days man shall seek death And shall not find And in those days man shall seek death And death shall flee from them The beast ascendeth out of the bottomless pit That shall make war against mankind And the four angels of doom were loosed For to slay the third part of men And their dead bodies shall lie In the streets of the great city babylon And the smoke of their torment Ascendeth up for ever and ever