Champion Jack Dupree

Bring Me Flowers While I'm Living

Champion Jack Dupree

Bring me flowers whiles I'm livin'
Then don't bring them when I am dead
Bring me flowers whiles I'm livin'
Please don't bring them when I am dead
And bring ice bags to my bedside
Hoo-well-well, to cool my achin' head

When a man is sick in bed
Please come to my rescue
When I am sick in bed
Please come to my rescue
When a man is dead and gone
Hoo-well-well, how in the world
Did he know what you do?

Bring water to my bed
A drink will keep me cool
Bring me water to my bed
A drink will keep me cool
And just say after I am gone
Hoo-well-well, 'I sure tried to help that fool'

I'll stay here as long as I can
Leave when I can't help myself
I'll stay here as long as I can
Leave when I can't help myself
We's all got to die, hoo-well-well
And I ain't no better than no one else

Don't bring me flowers after I'm dead
A dead man sho' can't smell
Don't bring me flowers after I'm dead
A dead man sho' can't smell
And if I don't go to heaven
Hoo-well-well, I don't sure need no flowers in hell