See the wheel turning round See the wheel turning round See the mad parade of clowns Shouting all the others down Too much lager and juke-box sound Too much lager and juke-box joviality Stop the wheel turning round What are we going to do? Won't someone tell us what to do What are we going to do? Baah! Baah! See the wheel turning round Stop the wheel turning round Stop this mad parade of clowns Shouting all the others down Balloons are bursting all around Celebrities turn on the crowds Stop the wheel turning round Stop the wheel turning round Like a carrot before the donkey Lead them to a better world Well I don't believe in you Or your world Like a carrot before the donkey Lead them to a better world Well I don't believe in you What are we going to do Won't someone tell us what to do Who do we turn to Won't someone tell us what to do What are we going to do Someone tell us what to do What are we going to do Someone to turn to Someone to turn to To rule us yeah Someone to take our problems to Someone to rule us yeah Make my life as easy as you can Baah!