Bones and limbs- hang within The darkness of the cave Tell- tale stains- last remains No hope of a grave Unsuspecting passers- by Had neither time to think or cry Sawney's Clan were lying in wait To seal their fate Hung, drawn and quartered Revenge! Hung, drawn and quartered Avenged! The innocents who lost their lives Dismembered by hatchets and the knives Of Sawney Bean Cannibals- one and all Related by the blood Rancid smell- but safe and well From famine and from flood Until the day the king's men came Fuelled by anger and by shame Sawney's Clan were trapped within Their den of sin Hung, drawn and quartered Revenge! Hung, drawn and quartered Avenged! The innocents who lost their lives Dismembered by hatchets and the knives Of Sawney Bean Bones and limbs- hang within The darkness of the cave Tell- tale stains- last remains No hope of a grave