Failed expectations Dreams unfulfilled, familiar distance I bow to them I admire with my voice all vain hopes Which deried by the world they just rise And they go on To suffer for love? But why? To grieve for a phantom and be victimized? In the name of what? Masters Of Shattered Dreams I won't be one of you Hear me just one more time I save the death with lute All of you listen to me! Though I'm all alone I can't help myself anymore But I can let you believe Despite the pearly tears you didn't stay by my side They were bitterly spilt over the chasm Above the mysterious throne of distant gods Why is it the same in life as in the abyss of Hades? That luck is a dim light, fleeting as a dream That vanishes all at once Perhaps I'm going to die But it's worthwhile What will I attain? Will I ever see? Today I only say: Masters....