Peoples' eyes can see your grime Scrub your body, waste your time Primp and puff to meet the norm That's the way that you were born Born to satisfy other folk Who couldn't care less if you were to choke The endless rules of "fitting in" When you don't, it's an unforgivable "sin" He lives! He's real! He's everywhere! You're wrong to think he's not out there! You've got no proof to prove him dead! Cause I haven't listened to a word you've said Insecurity powers impressionable minds Accepting the easiest answers they find Its not simple enough to care for the earth So its raped of its beauty, drained of its worth And well never run out of trees or the land And the world will continue to rest in our hands To care for an animal, a questionable act Seemingly pointless so it must be attacked Save the earth, what a pointless crock Its these dreamers that we must mock Stop their words and keep their mouths shut So that no one may ask them "What?" And beliefs that differ from their society Shouldn't exist to cause added anxiety If not coinciding with the majority's say So you reside in a castle somewhere far away Don't think for yourself, you might find a flaw In the systems arrangement of what they call "law" Uncle Sam fooled you to think you were needed But our lives have been stolen, our freedom defeated There's nothing wrong with America We have our protection and the law Police keep the poor at bay They arrested another one today The government is swell, the government is good Love the government like good little girls and boys should The government will never do you any wrong This is the shit that's been bought for way too long Any way it can, the government exploits you Look at the country, you can't say it isn't true You were bred to behave, sit and stay still Don't worry about your life, the government will I love this democracy Thank god for rules, they make us free Without it, everyone would die Just believe it don't ask why