White superiority is what it was really about Abe Lincoln's dream to get the blacks out Of his perfect nation, bent on domination Failed to keep the secret of his negro deportation Exploiting the blacks as an inferior race Only judging them by the color of their face And who gave him the power to steal our land Ravage, rape, and kill to carry out his racist plans Chorus- LINCOLN'S WHITE DREAM! Keep the country "in its place" Do anything he can to promote the white race He only tried to end slavery so the blacks would be free Free to be returned and taken out of our country He never really wanted to give the races equality Instead he only wanted to maintain supremacy Strengthening his union in the civil war Making more excuses as to what the fight was for The people claimed slavery as the reason for the fight But he wouldn't let them have their way when his goals were just in sight Then he tried to tell us that he'd make the states united But as the country came together, the people were divided Chorus He said a house divided against itself cannot stand But when he became the president, he split the fucking land Then he began the battle when the South started to resist So he could preach the great ideas that weren't even his Being forced into writing the Emancipation Proclamation Just a public stunt for the current situation And what did it do anyway? Slavery still went on For way too many years, and the hatred's still not gone Chorus It was straight up lying to uphold democracy But it just added to the government's hypocrisy Lying to the people of the American state A history of lies to make us look great Making a holy image of the U. S. of A. Hiding the truth of our countries evil way How much farther will the lies be spread How much more of this shit will we be fed LIES!!!LIES!!!LIES!!!