Fight back and refuse, child and spouse abuse Fight back and refuse, stop domestic abuse Battered wives and children No safety once again So many have to suffer Hearing cries through their door Familiar screams of loved ones But the horror has just begun For this little child Who's innocence has now been sold Rage is all that is seen Which causes a violent routine It infects the youth's mind And spreads throughout mankind Once a loving father Now just a drunken monster No rational explanation Just a violent personification How do we expect to live in a world of peace If brutality in the home does not cease In order to begin to change this human race Domestic abuse is what we must erase Then the strive for serenity can initiate And we can carry on with a cleaner slate What is the point of this Why does this abuse exist It all has to come to a halt Stand up and end the assault Don't carry on this tradition Let this be the last generation To sustain the experience Of a life of violence Stop it just stop it stop it fucking stop it