Chorus- There is a connection To this world's infection There is a connection Ahhh!! There is a connection Between big business and destruction There is a connection Ahhh!! Open up yer blind eyes You'll see thru the disguise It's causing so much pointless death Taking every last breath Won't care if you turn to ash As long as they get their cash They're destroying our land So their business can expand Chorus They are the ones who should be blamed Big businesses are all the same But this they've never confessed So they can get fatter in the west While others are fading away Starving millions in decay Where surplus food goes to waste Here extra food just takes up space Chorus Everywhere there is famine And corporations is where it begins They make countries pay their cost But how can they when they're dying of exhaust These people can't afford But business still wants their reward While others still don't have a meal Big business makes the pain all real Chorus It just fucks up everything Just fucking destroying They take what we work for To supply the world for war And millions have already died Cause corporation puts life aside Just to get their filthy money But don't you think they have plenty?