Chainsaw Homicide

Zombie Attack

Chainsaw Homicide

Moldy corpses digging through dirt
Want to kill all that's alive
Rotten decayed gangrene flesh
Is hanging off their crusty bones
Graveyard's empty, corpses walk
On limbs and organs they will feed
You can't escape from the zombies
They will hunt you 'til your dead
Then they'll drink your fresh red blood
And you will rot to putrid flesh

Chewing our skin - zombie attack
Eating our flesh - zombie attack
Breaking our bones - zombie attack
The living die when zombies attack

Skin is peeling, blood is spilling
Intestines cover the floor
Zombies are here to kill the living
If you're breathing you will die
Eyeballs ripped out of your sockets
Brains are eaten from your skull
Screams of horror, you are dying
Dissected by the undead
Mutilated bloody murder
Zombies kill you, you are dead