


It's a serene scene
A myriad of blue and green
The sky, the sea, the light I see
Feels like it's welcoming me in
The sand, the waves
Crashing in and setting the tone
A trip
That's what this is
A place that's tranquil far from home


Suddenly ripped from the perfect life
Finding out this was a perfect lie
Set against everyone to survive
Survive, or die, and try comply

Looking around with a scathing eye
Knowing I don't get to say goodbye
Who do I judge without asking why?
The bad guy?
An ally?

How can I get by?
This has gone awry
Not like I know what to try

Even better yet
They see me as a threat
They think that I'm keeping a secret

It's me or you
A finite truth
And I don't think I'll pull through

Do I mean less than them?!
It's askew

Even so I'll judge
Fighting back, is this enough?
When push comes to shove
We all yearn the end of

This solution
Moral pollution

Should I make the choice
When I can't hear my own voice?

And tactfulness

One down, two down, four down, many to go
The ones I trust can't be trusted anymore than those I don't
Subverting expectations
Raising the stakes
It's like a game
Like a game

(Game over!)

I've been accepted but at what cost?
What have I lost?
What did I have at the start?
Would knowing break me into parts?

Stop stalling, wasting time
There's no reason or rhyme
So why do we keep toeing the line?

Seeing a sickness infect the group
Watching this oxymoronic loop
Lying and prying them for truth
It has no use, put I push through

Crying, denying, and flipping out
What in the hell is this all about?
Every word that comes out his mouth
I have to denounce!
I doubt!

Everything she says, everything he says
I doubt
Everything he does, everything she meant
I doubt
Everything he tried, every time he led us on to the 'truth'
What 'hope' does he think we'll find?!

Didn't deserve it
This isn't worth it
Still, I stand by, like I've quit

Threatening us all
A bluff I want to call
But really I've got no resolve

It's me or you
A finite truth
And I don't think I'll pull through

Do I mean less than them?!
It's askew

Even so I'll judge
Fighting back, is this enough?
When push comes to shove
We all yearn for the end of

This solution
Moral pollution

Should I make the choice
When I can't hear my own voice?

And tactfulness

It's wrong
It's wrong
It's all so wrong
Deranged, and derailed, and too tortured to prolong

But still, why should I care?
The thickened scent of distrust poisons the air
And then meeting his eyes
I realise
I've lost this time

Thrown to the sidelines
Always questioned why
I couldn't have that life

Ultimate something
Better than nothing
That's what I wanted the whole time

Finally grasped it
Not like it lasted
Though I adapted
I wasn't granted

Any sense of humanity
Forever stuck on the loading screen

So talentless
So talented
So tampered with
Disinterested, yes

Call me a failure, a freak of nature
This final trial will end in my favour

It's all a ruse
And I can't lose
The sky above me shines blue

That goes against
An ultimate truth

Every single word
Every statement ever heard
It's never enough
So this will be the end of-

Every single withered despair
No hope left to share because-

It's me or you
The painful truth
I stare it at, it shines through

Is that the lesson, then?
It's all skewed!

At the final judgement
Was this what it all meant?
Oh what luck
Keys still stuck
Thank you but
I've had enough of-

This solution
Moral pollution

Flashes fading
Ever changing

Lines of code
Words she spoke
A poisoned hope
Well even though I'm

I found within
The strength to win