
Stupid Love Songs


Well the story starts back in the 9th grade
I still remember the day, my dad came home to say
The life you've been livin' son is about to move
And then he packed his bags and he said "I'll see you soon"

Well eight months later, I got on a plane
I didn't know what was ahead of me, but I went on just the same
Well maybe if I'd known what the world had in store for me
I would have run away, from the plane like a prisoner set free

The first couple months I was doing fine
It was like I was on vacation, I was doing new things all the time
But at the end of the day when I lie in my cot
All the memories came back to me like a tidal wave of loss

I'm tired of writing these stupid love songs
It seems that every word that comes from my pen is the same
But I know that it's this way for a reason
Because its the only feeling that seems to stay

Well as time went on I became more disheartened
I had to let go of a life, that I had come accustomed
But we all make sacrifices for our own existence
We realize whats important, and we try our best to hold on to it

I'm tired of writing these stupid love songs
It seems that every word that comes from my pen is the same
But I know that it's this way for a reason
Because its the only feeling that seems to stay

Don't worry mom and dad I'm not blaming you
Someday I hope I have half the courage as the two of you
Altough we've been through alot i wouldn't change a thing
What's most important, is how much you mean to me.

I'm tired of writing these stupid love songs
I'm tired of writing the same old thing
I'm tired of all of this
And I'm waiting for this to end