Cesspool Of Vermin

Puncturing Paraplegic Pussy

Cesspool Of Vermin

Slapped from wheelchair. Paralyzed beauty. Beaten senseless. Choked unconscious. Tear off panties. Rip her bra off. Spread her limp legs. Penetration. Slide my knife across her pussy. Make incisions for lubrication. Pick up wheelchair, bash her head in. Making sure she does not revive. Take my cock and slap her clit, making her cunt even wetter. Pummeling your face with my fist as you start to reawaken. Take my time to admire what I've done. There is no reason to tie you up because you can't run away. Now I will have my way with you. Plunge my meat into your stankhole, then shove it into your awaiting mouth. You are a punching bag for my cock. You are not worth the skin you are printed on. Entrapped by my morbid fetish. See the fear growing deep in your eyes. Try to escape but you can't move. There is nothing that can save you as you lie there helplessly. You watch in horror as I slowly spread your legs. You cry out in anguish but no one hears your screams. Your body is mine to play with. I'll do as I please. My nerves tingle with excitement as I see my jizz on your face. You're trapped in this nightmare and there's no escape. A human pin cushion for my voracious needs. Just take my cock like a whore and you will not get beat. Leave you lying in a pool of cum. It's not like you can just walk away. You cannot open your eyes because they're glued shut by my spunk. You've been trapped over a week, nothing to eat but my seed. No remorse for what I've done. I prey upon the paralyzed. You see no care in my eyes. Wishing you could just die. Put you back in your wheelchair. Now it's time to start again.