
Cadaveric State


Throw me in a grave
Waiting for my decease
Rotting !

Hope I won't come back
My fury is worst than everything
Thrilling !

See my body in pieces
Choped in half, dismembered
But I'm still reforming
Cursed !

You can try to steal my soul
I'm not like the others :
I am a living dead
Undead !

Look at my bleeding, my blood is not red
Putrified liquid is spurting out my veins
Vile !

I'm dead outside
But inside, I'm living
Living !

The shaman has shouted his spell
The spirit of the undead
Has seized my soul, my life
But I'm alive :
I feel them in my nerves
The sensations after death
Inexhaustible need of flesh and need of blood !

The left overs of my heart is beating inside me
My orbits are empty, but I still can see
Back from the grave, thirsty of life
How will you kill something that can't die ?

All my past has ceased to grow
Between planks, the revenge became my obsession,
The shaman has shouted his spell
The spirit of the undead
Has seized my soul, my life
But I'm alive :
I feel them in my nerves
The sensations after death
Inexhaustible need of flesh and need of blood !

See my body in pieces
Choped in half, dismembered
But I'm still reforming
Cursed !

You can try to steal my soul
I'm not like the others :
I am a living dead
Undead !

I'm into cadaveric state !