Where you going honey? You got some place to be? But if you leave now, where will my lovin' be? And watch the way you talk to me I'm runnin' out of sympathy I'll burn it all down Burn it down to the ground I look at you Just sitting there The comfort of your haunting stare Thinkin' about if it ever was to be You close your eyes and no surprise Bombard me with those precious lies Going on about the way it was And it is all because Oh, darling baby Oh, darling baby Oh, darling baby, oh no You're driving me mad Darling baby, oh no No-no Where you going honey? You walk right out the door But if you leave know, what's my lovin'? With no remorse and no reserve You stomped what we had into the curb Picking me apart, baby, one by one Is this what you do for fun? When I hold you It's a bitter feeling Cause you've thrown it all away What they told you Yeah, forget what they said Cause they were falcon lame