Tone up the total hate, trash prevents our pride from following Will of power and it's tremendous impetuosity We were been chosen Decline, weakness, degeneration and pity will be killed By the exciting flagellation age under the great Rome We're men begot by cannons of destruction The imperious truth for the future The divine deflagration of violence Eagles on our helmets will make reign real honesty and brave Raining blood from the sky means our divinity It will eat the forbidden fruit to gain an explosion brighter than Thousand thunderbolt of father Enters persistence against the mediocrity than rules the world Our brains are infinitely developed and ready to conquer The marvellous golden dawn of the new ebullience From dictation of brutal will of chase It's the Roman impudent aggression Devastating duty Amazing pandemonium Of our upsetting suppression Our plans are advanced Fitful at full speed like Blitzkrieg smoking earthquake It's the ultra violence bite