
Love Comes Down


I brought you all my foolish crowns
With trembling hands I laid them down
Expecting wrath to be poured out
But you placed mercy on my brow

Still my best is nothing less
Than filthy rags and emptiness
One drop of blood raised me from death
And you see me through your righteousness

Oh how sweet amazing grace
Wraps me in a warm embrace
Oh my heart rejoice
I was lost, now found
All my praise goes up as your love comes down

Now daily I walk safe, secure
Even through trouble you endure
I’m not afraid for I am sure
That you are mine and I am yours

What a great day that will be
When I stand there at my savior’s feet
Singing thank you for all eternity
All my praise goes up as your love comes down

(Oh’s over amazing grace)
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
All my praise goes up as your love comes down