I'm trying to liberate myself from these chains of light breath every time I'm stronger and every time I draw more dark in the sky From this tomb of flesh again I can proclaim my open road and I'll walk over the planfull spirit of life embracing the signs of possession Silently I am crossing the land and I find myself before me by a blaze of fire I was entombed in the reality And I'll be burnt by the flames of faith and days waiting for the hope of a tear I down myself in this water of sadness Silently I am crossing the land by a blaze of life I was entombed in the reality and I find myself before me In my view the lands of Christ they're just one of a thousand stars and it's light of faith like the sons by the time will die So this illumination of souls will be over when the morning eternally sleep with the sun (The reality) in the silence she wanders where is the mourning, where is the sun? With some tears running for it's fallen light reality will watch the obscure cosmos waiting to be eternally an echo and the past of the black universe