Cenotaph (Mexico)

Soul Profundis

Cenotaph (Mexico)

Arising through the mighty wisdom 
the winds of unanimated sorrow 
silently consume the light and horror 

Beyond the kingdom of light, I implore hate with fear 
with my hands floating in the 
black winds of dark sky 
consuming all the effort, to burst in myself 

The sculptural sunset in my emotional sensibility 
by grace of hate is comic now 
and the skies inside of me, that I enlight 
change their blue face for a 
tormenting night full of rays. 

The shiny that ride in this night 
fight for the domination 
of the infinite and universal dark 
as I shine and ride in my own cosmic universe 
it's my soul who fights for the domination 
of my own light of darkness 

And with temptation I search my real sign 
so that this mighty wisdom 
catches with rage the wind inside my fist 
but the wind that is the son of the universe 
encloses me into it's universal fist 
Trying to catch the wing I was 
catching for it 
Trying to find my real sign 
I am a sign of the dream of the universe 

I implore with fear my sword that is hate 
with purgatory emotional sensibility 
I ride in this night of the stars 
fighting for the domination of my own 
light of darkness 
trying to catch the wind in my first