Cenotaph (Mexico)

Repulsive Odor of Descomposition

Cenotaph (Mexico)

Awake of a trance - of putrid remains 
The odor of decomposition 
Brings back reality 

Trapped in my coffin 
I'll rise again 
Feelings of necrophagia 
Make my sorrows appear 
A premature funeral 
Started all this fucking torment 

As I begin to walk 
To my insane mind comes 
Grotesque visions of a rotting Christ 
And now I see all the false prayers 

I'm choking with my own blood 
And I see my guts on the floor 
Suppurating vile viscous liquid 
I'm decomposed, they will be too 

The fear of desolation 
It's filling your body 
You know you're alone 
And the smell of rot is here 

Now you see his deformed face 
Feel your brutal death 
All your innards in his mouth 
A disgusting feast with your gore 

He's ripping the mass of organs 
Bestial devouring of your limbs 
Zombie laughs as you scream 
How the dead can awake? 

And as I torture this carcass 
My mind starts to think, why am I undead? 
But if Jesus rise from the dead 
Maybe he was a cannibal zombie like me