Towards the Hill of Miochaoin, they went Brian faced Miochaoin, and they fought Like two beast's they attacked And as the sun rose Miochaoin fell As they heard their father's cry The Sons Of Miochaoin,appeared Corc,Conn and Aedh ,the champions gathered Courage Strength and honor in their thought's Spear's held tight against their enemy The Last stand of defence on their father's hill The Sons of Tuireann adamant on their task They began to clash. Driving their spear's into Tuireanns Son's The Sons in turn did the same Although death was upon them The task was still at hand Nearly at death and bereft of time Brian called to his brother's Let u rise up and climb the hill And give the three shouts. And with that Brian helped them up He raised them up with one in each hand Shedding river's of blood,they gave the three shouts Brian returned his brother's to the Wavesweeper. Manannan's Wavesweeper was ancient It was a sacred curragh It sailed fast on air and water With the ferocious speed of the wind The Son's traveled for many year's with despair and grief They came to Beinn Edair And their Father' dun And asked him for help. The Brother's gave the spit to Tuireann Give it to Lugh in friendship For they needed the healing,power of the pigskin For death had nearly claimed them. Tuireann journeyed to Teamhair In the search for Lugh He handed over the cooking spit And asked for the pig skin Lugh turned and refused him Even for the earth in gold Brian asked again and got the same To their death's they would go. Brian left and returned to his brothers And as he lay, the life went from him He lay dead there, with his brethern A quest for their life's in vain Tuireann cried and lamented for his sons Each of them could have been a king And so he fell and died with a broken heart The Son's and him buried in one grave.