On the isle of lochlann Balor gazes across the wild seas Ceithlenn his wife reveals The identity of the attacker He is the son of our daughter and grandson As it was foretold by the druids... The council of fomorian chiefs met Eab,seanchub neid and liath Lobais the druid and the nine of poets of Foreknowledge,balor and ceithlinn Plan to amass a army for bres to Take and fight with across the sea!! Prepare seven great battalions Of the riders of the fomor I will go to ireland and Strike off lugh's head and bring it back to berbhe Ready my ship's bres said Armour and weapons ready towards The violent waves.. Bres and elathan ready the men The riders pack onto the ships Spears and shields glistening in the sun Mist rises from the depths Ready to fight and burn the land's And clash with the de danann horde A figure near the harbour comes forth. Balor commanded that ireland Be tied to the back of their ships Give battle to the ildanach And strike off his head Let the waters swallow And consume the land and Bring it to the north of lochlann None of the men of dea Will ever find it there... Rise fomor rise!! The monstrous ships leave the harbour Pull up the painted sail’s of war They land at the harbour of eas dana Sending out a army to connacht in the west Burning and killing destroying the plains The son of the dagda fell King bodb dearg!!!!