Anann, ernmas's daughter Deep within temhair she dwell's A raging fire by a great cooking spit, The crow of battle Wandering overhead. Anann, she is the crow of battle. Anann, trinity of the morrigan. Anann, eyes on the battlefield. Anann, flying overhead. Mechi one of her sons died By mac cecht on magh fertaige. Three hearts serpent bound within, For if mechi lived, Anything living in Ireland would have wasted away. At the top of magh luathad The plain of ashes, Mac cecht did burn his three hearts And threw them into a stream. The water turned black as death And everything within it died. The sun covered in the shade Of a hundred crows. The morrigan lifting The dead from battle To their final resting place. Goddess of battle, strife, fertility. Your form of crow, wolf and eel, Anann is her name. The trinity of the morrigan, Badb, macha and nemain. Deep within temhair she dwell's A raging fire by a great cooking spit, Carrying the warriors To the great hall's Of high kings.