Cee Lo Green


Cee Lo Green

How y'all feel out there
That's cool
You know, sometimes I wanna rap
Sometimes I wanna sing, you know what I mean
Sometimes all it calls for is a nice mellow groove
Hit of rimshot, you know
Just get, you know, get you open
But I wanna do a piece for y'all tonight, it's called sometimes
Alright, so check it out
Sometimes a stranger can be your best friend
Sometimes being angry is the best mood
Sometimes seeing you feel good makes me feel even better
Sometimes hunger is the best food
Sometimes good just ain't good enough
And other times evil will get you even
Sometimes faith is not knowing any better
Sometimes nothing is what you believe in

Sometimes I don't even want a hit

Sometimes you fail trying
And sometimes happiness hurts worse
Sometimes people live dying
Sometimes it's the last person that makes you first
Sometimes you'll keep what you don't want
And other times you'll give away what you really need
Sometimes a rich man won't have a dollar
And all a poor man has is greed

Sometimes I just wanna listen
Sounds good to me
Ay yo Lock, put them strings right here
Sometimes I don't think people know I'm as good as I really am

Now my recitings are writing over rhythm's
Regularly reinacts facts of my existance
So what proof of my expertise, many emcees know of me
Using unrequested serious infested poetry
To prevoke what persistance
For instance, I don't let the T.V. screen come in between my daily routine
At a spot where me and my boy went
Someone interrupted our enjoyment
What do you know, an out oh