Those landscapes you see Aren't made of life They're made of death It's like a cancer ridden spectre that's covering the earth And everything you see It's just these grey walls and wasteland around I've been crushed Been crushed Been crshed by the wheels of industry That's what happens to me that's what i'm going thru right now Lost my head, lost my hands, lost my lungs, lost my thoughts, lost my voice Lost Seems like ten thousand years had passed From my real ego I can remember what I was But can't go on like this today The obsession of perfection Likes ass but paints it as a friendship Feel the tears strangling your throat Where are you? What's happened? BE HUMBLE IT'S YOUR TURN NOW SUGAR IN LIFE POISON FOR THE MASSES I SEE A COFFIN I VOMIT I JUST THROW UP I see all of my stupid workingmates All they care about is their wages An' every Friday I cannot tell 'em to go to hell Only waiting for my cash End up to a bar and I can spend it all Gettin' fucked up Anytime I want Here comes Monday See my boss Forty-five years gone And he smells Like a girl Now he's rich got a rich bitch You know, he's my uncle And he always got his foot on my head Fiv eminutes late He's gonna bitch for three hours Gonna make you fell like a piece of shit Eight o'clock I gotta work But I just fell like blow this place apart Tear this place apart Factories don't burn by themselves They just need a helping hand And anyways, The problem is not just factories But what's behind them It's like a cancer Something you have to fight You've got to be there And experience once Then you'll know what I'm talking about OK, since I don't practice what I preach Ain't gonna preach anymore An' I'm tied to this cruel machine that cruel green machine With a money chain Becuase the money That's what I want Money in my pockets Being with you was such a thrill but your love won't pay my bills