It's all linked together It all swirls together around me Faces of pain Faces of joy So confused as to seem one thing These books burning my hands are burning my hands Holes in the walls Demons from outer space Well you see now I'm nude And the light's oh so crude Bodies embracing bodies Flesh that looks for love Helplessly useless lost forever DAYMARE - ULTIMATE HORROR It's all linked together No way out no escape World of illusion will hold you tight So confused you can't see the truth Someone's out there laughing at me For all the evil I've done DAYMARE You know I never make mistakes You know it's all perfect Genine sharp crystal clear No dream can ever match it Watching the pigeons out in the cold The T.V. plays We're the hollow men DAYMARE nothing to share Ants in the cracks of the sidewalk Sucking dried blood from a corpse You're not one you're not slave... What are you gonna do?