They say take your time Yet, the pressure is coming from all sides While I'm searching for something that I was denied And be whole again Haunted by these feelings I was lured into these trials To rebuild my faith But everything was blurry, I got trapped into denial And became insane This is the price that you pay once you know dispair The sins of a monster who I don't recognize as myself I'm falling down from my ego I'm drowning, sinking in my fears Acceptance is not on my side, I am lost Amidst countless goodbyes Now shame, guilt and sadness Are my only retreat I say in my time Yet, the pressure is coming from inside While I'm dealing with someone who I can't deny And set myself free Days becoming weeks while I was falling to my knees I tell you, there're no games And many were the questions that I answered with confessions So, am I insane? Am I just self destruction There's wreckage falling over me It seems my life turned upside down I am gathering my pieces around With shame, guilt and sadness Always following me I'm falling down from my ego I'm drowning, sinking in my fears Acceptance is not on my side, I am lost Amidst countless goodbyes Now shame, guilt and sadness Now shame, guilt and sadness And now, shame, guilt and sadness Are my only retreat