
Rocking Chair


Tom: D

D                             G                     D
There's an old rockin' chair castin' memories everywhere
On that old home porch across from Tipple's store.
You can see where the arm is worn
      G                        D
Where my granddaddy rested his arm
                    A                        D
In that old rockin' chair that don't rock no more.

G                                   D
If the rockin' chair could read the thoughts from people's minds,
Oh the stories it would tell time after time.
Stories others never hear.
       G                      D
Of the thought s one holds so dear.
                         A                 D
Oh how I wish I could've read my grandpa's mind.

D                              G                          D
I was horn in a broken home, I was blinded by things gone wrong.
I had no vision of what the future held in store.
Just a baby barely three
     G                     D
When my granddaddy came to me
                          A                        D
To rock me in the rockin' chair that don't rock no more.


D                                             G               D
Granddaddy lived the Christian way, truth and goodness he portrayed.
He loved to gather his thoughts as he rocked on the hardwood porch.
Yes he loved to sit and rock.
       G                               D
Payin' no attention to the time on the clock.
                             A                        D
And rocked me in the rockin' chair that don't rock no more.