
Going On


Every time I see
What's going on?
And every time I feel
Who’s living on?

And every care taken
Who’s concerned about us
About all the things I do
Can I carry on?

Every time I see
What's going on?
Sometimes I don't feel
Who’s coming with the heavy weights on

And every step I take
May I care about who is grieving over
For all the giants we create
Can’t we just go and rip off all their heads?

What should I see
If I'm only looking into me
Where to face
If this place is here for me now

How much should I face
To earn this promised holy grace?
But every place
Seems to be all unholy disgrace

Every time I see
What's going on?
With these corrupted tied guys
Trying to steal from their own

Suited false king’s lies
Upon people suffering from
Fake queens of yesterday
Trying to rule tomorrow

What should I see
If I'm only looking into me
Where to face
If this place is here for me now

How much should I face
To earn this promised holy grace?
But every place
Seems to be all unholy disgrace