Jihad joe, jihad Jihad joe, jihad Jihad joe, jihad Jihad joe, jihad J. Walker his name, his mind is insane Betraying his country, family and friends Blinding disciple seeking the truth Growing a berd to fight against who? Fallen soldier, blind sheep Betrayer, how dare you speak Jihad joe, jihad Jihad joe, jihad Jihad joe, jihad Jihad joe, jihad The world watched you betraying your nation What kind of seed comes from this damnation Using terror to mask all their fears Propaganda is the killer Fallen soldier, blind sheep Betrayer, how dare you speak... Dust to dust His soul is lost His mind is gone His fate is lost Face to face Your name is shame Your world is dead Your empty fate Jihad joe, jihad Jihad joe, jihad Jihad joe, jihad Jihad joe, jihad... Jihad Joe, Jihad Jihad Joe, Jihad Jihad Joe, Jihad Jihad Joe, Jihad J. Walker é o nome dele, a mente dele é insana Traiu o país, a familia e os amigos dele Discípulo cego procurando a verdade Deixou a barba crescer para lutar contra quem? Soldado caído, ovelha cega Traidor, como ousa falar Jihad Joe, Jihad Jihad Joe, Jihad Jihad Joe, Jihad Jihad Joe, Jihad O mundo assistiu você trair sua nação Que tipo de semente veio esta condenação Usando o terror para mascarar todos os medos deles Propaganda é a assassina Soldado caído, ovelha cega Traidor, Como ousa falar... Pó ao pó A alma dele está perdida A mente dele está acabada O destino dele está perdido Cara a cara Seu nome é a vergonha Seu mundo está morto Seu destino vazio Jihad Joe, Jihad Jihad Joe, Jihad Jihad Joe, Jihad Jihad Joe, Jihad...