
Drowning In Tears


All is calm
Humanity in a constant bliss
Due to its superiority
Alone in the world...

Nothing upsets tranquillity
But for how long?
I feel the coldness lifting its head

For countless millennia
The gods that created us
Have watched us
And our evolution from above

The stars of the skies as their eyes
Trying to guide us to the right direction [ useless ]
Mankind was blinded by its own delusion of grandeur
And it did not respond to the efforts of the gods

We engage in atrocity
The void assails the life
Of pride and intolerance
The grave tranquillity
Enveloped us like silence

The embrace of cold desolates the beliefs
For sanctimonious pledge
It refines its iniquities
Insults our foreclosure

Misled by a false god
Mankind was headed for a certain doom
The gods left and forever watched
Humans make their mistakes
Waiting for the right time to end it all

And so humans were made extinct
By the same gods that they had abandoned
But now, everything can start again

The weak, insignificant signs of life
Introduce us pestilential disgrace

We shall encounter in dreams
Dreams sold to nightmares
And the pleasures begin

Death throned as life, the latent cry
None left to die, the crown of gore
Reign from the sky, behest to shame
Then shall you blame nevermore

I am the embrace of the gods
The gates of knowledge closed in me - in you

We shall encounter in dreams
Dreams sold to nightmares
And the pleasures end