alone life seems much harder, after the scars had been cut as years are passing faster, everything turned into black affirmative defence - I told myself a frozen fact the heritage of trust is no more, begin your quest emptiness is caring, all other proposals are checked nothing more than anger, the rest is pain instead affirmative defence - I told myself that it's a fact hellish dreams of death, the solution of the impact anger - hatred - all I ever get - love -nearness - all I ever wanted helpless I'm now rowing, no healing process - it's a fact the bitterness of loosing, I became a crest-fallen man hidden behind - a life living blind - my conscious demise - as I need you perish my mind - destroying the bright - left all behind - I only fear losing you where are you now? non-essential bow, to preserve my spine - I've lost my reference point I had to go on, let history tell the meaning of 'why' you do treason to me anger - hatred - all I ever get - love -nearness - all I ever wanted alone life seems much harder, after the scars had been cut as years are passing faster, everything turned into black