Cauda Pavonis


Cauda Pavonis

Lift the Athame to the Darkness ever calling
Strike up the power and the purpose is not falling
They tried to brake my mind with hatred never ending
Beyond their knowledge its returning, I am sending!

Destroy me now you've had you're time and it is failing
Keep it flowing, keep it fast, because its paling
To tell these lies they've had to fool themselves since day one
But time is fleeting, it is returning, and it is undone

I return to them what they had once possessed
All their meaning I return to them now blessed
The edge they lost is now mine held and understood
Lift up the cowl, now they must look beneath the hood

An end to all that's what I call into the light
An end to all who stand against me and my fight
I know the time, I know the place, I have the power
This is the minute of the day, this is the hour