There’s a fury on the waves A madness taking place Fueled by the blood Of weary wage slaves And they taught us how to hate In a hi tech kind of way Made us meat puppets For the wars they wage In a playground, running round In a playground, being clowns Weren’t we once kids Just kicking a ball? Laughing ‘bout everything Nothing at all In a playground, ‘neath the sun In a playground, having fun Weren’t we once kids Thought war is a game? Fall over dead And jump up again (Hey, hey, what do you want to say?} Don’t want to lose my legs In defense of larceny The banksters stealing billions From the national treasury Don’t want to take a bullet Left coughing up blood For your right to a lap dance At some faraway club Don’t want to suck my meals Through a thin feeding tube On behalf of profiteers Dealing addicts their crude Don’t want to wheeze harshly Hooked to a machine In the service of ingrates And all that’s obscene Don’t want to suffer flashbacks Those nightmarish screams While billionaires lullaby To private jet dreams Nobody’s tool, nobody’s fool. No!!!! In a world so long ago In a world we used to know Weren’t we once kids? Who sang funny songs No thoughts of torture Phosphorous bombs In a world so long ago In a world we used to know Weren’t we once kids? Who rode on our bikes Vampires scared us Not nuclear strikes (Hey, hey, what do you want to say?) There’s a fury on the waves A madness taking place Fueled by the blood Of weary wage slaves There’s a world of growing horror Where a playground stood before And it ‘s time to stop This lunatic war There’s a world of growing horror Where a playground stood before And it’s time to stop This murderous war There’s a world of growing horror Where a playground stood before And it’s time to stop This sickening war There’s a world of growing horror Where a playground stood before And it’s time to stop This bloody awful war Let’s bring back our playground Stop this war Let’s restore our playground Stop this war… Yes, it’s time (Yes it’s time) Time to stop this war!