Cathy Jordan

Old Ballymoe

Cathy Jordan

In the county Roscommon in the hailstones and rain as I was crossing the fields on
My way to the train I met a young Colleen says she do you know
What's the shortest shortcut into old Ballymoe?

Says I, Cailin Og, what led you astray? I think I'll go with you, and show you
The way, says she, I'm not willing for you I don't know, you might kiss me
Between here, and old Ballymoe

Says I, Cailin Og, I have slwom been kissed
Says she you poor egit, a lot you have missed
Say's he, I'd be willing to learn, you know we could practice between
Here and old Ballymoe

You think I'd go with you, you moron gay range I don't like your looks, nor
The sound of you brogne, you are young and good looking but God knows you're slow
And we don't like old dead ones in old Ballymoe

Says I've been noted, for strength and good looks and me brains aren't too bad
When I look at the books and if you come with me it's married we'll go and
We'll live happy after in old Ballymoe

She started to laugh, ill I thought she would choke come ere you poor edjet, I'll tell
You a joke. Get out of my way, for it's home I must go I've a husband and six kids
In old Ballymoe

So in the county Roscommon in hailstones and rain, if you're crossing the fields
On the way to the train, beware of young colleens that you don't know for they
Well maybe married in old Ballymoe