In Curraghroe the fields are green, the skies are fair And Slieve Bawn crown'd in heavenly sheen stands silent there Even now, 'mid all my hopes and fears, the tears will flow When I look back through misty years to Curraghroe In Curraghroe the wild birds sing tehir sweetest lays The echoes through the valley ring in songs of praise The cuckoo's call sound soft and clear and heaven bends no- Oh! Paradise seems very near in Curraghroe In Curraghroe we ceilidhs made, the ghost-stories told Then home returning sore afraid of fairies bold For ghost and goblins did abound roamed to and fro O'er every rath and glen, and mound in Curraghroe In Curraghroe our hearts were light and free from care How joyful was each wintery night that we spent there We joined the dance - the merry throng tripped heel and toe - Our laugh was light and loud and long in Curraghroe In Curraghroe those joyous days sped swiftly o'er In tears we left hills and braes forevermore We mingle with the motely throng crowds come and go- Oh, years are dull and years are long from Curraghroe In Curraghroe our fathers rest their struggles o'er Good souls for us they did their best and labiured sore Their spinning wheels are silent now, their looms don't go There are no hands to run them now in Curraghroe In Curraghroe the old folks we loved were kind and true Their hopes were in the home above, their cares were few That good old stock is dead and gone, years come and go No more we'll cheer them with our songs in Curraghroe Their kindly smiles and loving eyes we'll see no more WE toil and strive 'neath foreign skies for golden store Ah! Worth a world' twould to be hear as long ago Their cheery, kind God save all here in Curraghroe To Curraghroe found mem'ry clings there're we roam Backward we stray on Faney's wings to the old home Again we hear the chapel bells see streamlets flow Through whinny hills and grassy dells in Curraghroe In Curraghroe we meet no more in joyous bands We're seattered for o'er many ashore in foreign lands Ah! Lovely hearts sojourning here before we go Pause with me - and shed a tear for Curraghroe