Wicked priest, gods of death Presbyter in another form, repossessed Demons call, delirium Another curse, invades this church he calls out in God's name Supreme deity, Yahweh, I summon thee sounds of hoards, euphony Demons sing for the priest's requiem "I will kill your god" holy one bleeding as he fell to his knees You will forever bow to mee Pass this virulence to your god without repent To damnation he has been sent Malum Obituous Raise the ead to destroy the Earth demons Crush the church, Another evil curse Is wrought upon this sinful Earth As he stood in hells way against powers unrestrained Sounds of hoards, euphony You shall not be saved by faith holy lord bleeding as he fell to his knees You will forever be bound by me Pass this virulence to your god with no repent To damnation he has been sent Death to the Nazerene and his followers Death to the Nazerene Death