
Songs About Girls


Tom: A

         I will be typing up.  This is a great band that
         will be getting a lot of attention soon I bet.
         I suspect that most people that use this tab will
         be from the Smashing Pumpkins Mailing list.
         Anyway, here is my attempt at the first song on

        First three chords played in clean tone for intro,
        distortion on there after.
         G       A      C         D F E D E
                          This is not a quick slide

          D       D#
      Slow gradual bend until next chord.

      Repeat this a few times

      End chorus on the D but with an open bottom string as well (D)

      VERSE 2


      SOLO ( lead guitar here)
         A     G A    G A  Bb

      Play this 3 times then play this:
         A       G#      G       F#

       Then everything stops and this is played
      |--0--0-0-7--7-5b-(grad.)-0--0-0-7--7-5b (grad.)-----|

      Then back to that main thingy.

      Then on one of those I love You bits at the end it plays
      this a few times.
         G       A      C

         Then the end bit a couple of times.


         Then end the song on the G

       PLEASE send me any corrections (I am sure there are many
       in this), comments, or just to tell me that you are
       using it to *