


Confess betray resolve (drown the rat). My hate for this is real (manifestus).
A memory for me is like an apple in a tree: not falling far away from the trunk (remember). A twisted poetry of a f*ck*d up dream always open is the door to my vault (so). Step into the light and stick to your story but don't you even lie just hog all the glory.
Tell you what I think about this f*ck*ng deal: You're going down. Does this all make sense squeezing 'round your neck manifestus
A murder for me is like a rat in a cage always trapped waiting to get out (willpower). A psychopathic sense of a bleeding wound always open is the key to your tomb (solitude). Step outside the limelight and place the blame on me. A criminal record on the line: confess and say your sorry's. I don't go for b*llsh*t games 'cause my will is stronger than you. I'll fill your body bag with weights and dump you in the river.
Tell you what I think about this f*ck*ng deal: You're going down. Does this all make sense squeezing 'round your neck manifestus Here's a plan for you drowning in the lake missing person. All alone struggling for your breath as I laugh. Evil eyes turn blind shades of red appear my revenge. Plea your case of guilt any last words head submerged. Police couldn't find where your body is I got away. Perfect crime was fit for a king now deceased.
I'll tell you what I think Not my decision, cathartic prison.
We must drown the (Rat): Squeezing your neck becomes bliss to my hands. Lungs fill with water as life slips away. Knuckles turn white killing with my bare hands. The deed is done and there's no turning back.
Why can't you see the light? It's probably because you've passed away. Why can't you breathe oxygen? It's probably because the river's your grave.
You exposed the truth in manifest
F*ck...Manifest...Lie Cheat Steal and Rat. Chaos...Manifestus...Now Lie In The River.