Catatonic Society

Left Hand Path

Catatonic Society

Death is a cloudless sky seen without eyes
Life is a lake of fire, mask of lies
Gnosis bought by pain, visions of beauty
Come place your hand in mine and fall into me
Now fly
No stasis, constant movement, let go of thinking
Surrender to the current, give in to sinking
Turn toward the sun and burn out your vision
Fill your ears with sand, listen

Look now into the west
Let go of this, turn off your mind
Surrender unto night
Leave everything you know behind
Fly now, fly

There is no place to rest, but that is how it's always been
And though you don't remember, you have been here many times
You're living in a circle, suffering by your own hand
Maker of your own prison, self-inflicted punishment
Now fly, remember who you are and fly