Catalina Yue


Catalina Yue

Hold me tonight...
Let me be your shadow tonight...
Just hooold me tight...
Don't go oouuut of my sight...

Just hold me in your arms
Don't leave me all alone aside
I need you here right my side
Don't let our love just die away
I want to leave it all behind
And just be with you tonight

And... Just hold me tonight...
Let me be your shadow tonight...
Just hooold me tight...
Don't go ouuut of my sight...

El amor es dificil
No se lo que pueda pasar
Solo quiero estar contigo
Amarte todos los dias
Amarte todos el tiempo
Mi corazon es para ti

Just hold me tonight...
Let me be your shadow tonight...
Just hooold me tight...
Don't go ouuut of my sight...

Just take me in your arms (and hold me)
Just hold me tight
I'm scared that I'm falling
I'm falling so fast that I'm fearful
So fearful. I'm shaking
I need you here
I need you here right by my side
And I can't be alone,
I'm scared and please give me the courage

Hold me tonight
Let me be your shadow tonight
It just feels right
My heart has taken flight

Hold me tonight
Let me be your shadow tonight
Don't leave me aside...
I just want to be here tonight.