In Samaria eyes desired the sacred paroxysm A wizard theurgist hungry for knowledge Seeking his line of connection with the cosmical whole Developed a conscious level of perception of different states of matter An avant-garde alchemical one His silver and gold sounded like heresy to the lambs The bearers of the true negation of life The bearer of the promise of postmortem Those who spread indulgence disease where they stand They tried to deny him, their intrinsic ability to fly A coward white antimagick (they failed) Against his darkened willpower Their followers tried to tarnish your story with the sands of time and fallacy Fire, the root of all things Whore, spouse of wisdom prostituted by sheep Simon, the magus, the antagonist of Christ Simon, the magus, by his willpower his feet do not touch the sandy soil Simon, the magus, the antagonist of Christ Simon, the magus, give us the flight of apostasy Simon, the magus, the antagonist of Christ Simon, the magus, flying, he mocked the men on the ground The invocation of itself has early Desmystified skills, riding inner flames to guts Chants are sung around him Abnegation, they listened the muffled voice of delirium Simon the magus, the antagonist of Christ Simon, the magus, unjust ones has written his legacy Simon the magus, the antagonist of Christ Simon, the magus, the mind denying the heaven A coward white antimagick (they failed) Against his darkened willpower Their followers tried to tarnish your story with the sands of time fallacy Such are the words